Here are testimonials from the kids and their families about how the Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan program has helped with a wig and support service (classes, social activities, counseling and field trips). 

Josephine's Family:

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"What a special night we had at the Lucky 21st Annual Gala!! Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids is a nonprofit organization that helps children who struggle with hair loss. Tonight was their annual fundraiser. We were in a room full of compassion and community.

We enjoyed a 5 course meal and watched David Santia speed paint. 

Tam @IRockitBald touched my heart and shared about her younger years in the 80's growing up with Alopecia. She said that it would have been different if there would have been support and resources like Maggie offers. I feel so grateful that this is the reality Josie gets to grow up in. I approached Tam when she was getting ready to leave and thanked her for sharing her story and that I was hoping to introduce her to Josie but she's at the kids zone. She said "let's go get her." Tam took the time to speak empowerment and wisdom into my girl, as well as, informed us of some other groups we can find support. She shared that September is alopecia awareness month and royal blue is the official color. Of course, I had to get a pic of the bald beauties too. 

I only know about this amazing organization though because of my connection with Christina Warfield and her beautiful daughter Natanee Rashelle Brokaw who also has alopecia. I taught Natanee dance a lifetime ago. I saw and supported her journey as a young girl and am so grateful that God's beautiful way of weaving lives together has come to a full circle.

Tonight was truly a touching and inspiring experience and I'm going to bed with a full and grateful heart!" 

Ryley's Story:

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My name is Ryley Steuer, and I want to tell you my story with no sugar coating. I encourage everyone to take a moment to either put your cell phones away or take them out to record because I can assure you this will be something you want to share with your friends. There are many variables that contribute to making the world a sad place, but at least helping Maggie's wigs 4 kids is one way to make it better. Tonight, I will go over what trichotillomania is, the lasting effects of this disorder and how Maggie has helped me find my voice.

We hear the term cancer, and it can often be associated with being bald. The term Alopecia is getting more familiar and often people think of being fully or partially bald. Both of those are not caused by the persons doing. But how well do we know the term trichotillomania? oh boy it is kind of hard to see everyone out there, but for those I see can I just tell you your hair looks fantastic. Ok now look at mine. Do you see bald sport? I really hope not, I put colorful hair spray on to help match. I did however debate on not to, just to show what I really look like. But that was too hard. A huge factor with all hair disorder is often embarrassment. But unlike the others, trichotillomania is your own fault. Well kind of. Let's get one thing straight. Can everyone hear me clearly? It is not your fault you pull your hair! Trichotillomania is a genic disorder triggered by a life event. But yes, you can say you choose to pull your hair but that isn't true. One doesn't sit there and say I'm going to pull now. They start and though they may very much want to stop they then find it hard to get themselves to stop. Finally, you look in the mirror and at least in my case I cry. I look at the new bald spot I just created and cry. Sometimes I even wish that I had alopecia because then even though I still would not have hair it wouldn't be because of me. Though I rarely feel this way anymore the thought does accrue.

Sadly, those aren't all the thoughts I think to myself. And most others can agree that having hair loss can demolish your self-esteem. you know the saying when someone starts falling down a spiral of unhappy thoughts? I think it's something like don't fall down that rabbit hole. But do you ever wonder if they fall how do they get back up? Everyone has different lengths of urges caused by different stressors or complications in their life. Sometimes it can be you pulled, you see it, then you're sad, and to cope you pull again. To be frank with you, as I said at the start, I will not sugarcoat my story. As many of the team members at Maggie's knows, I try my best to advocate for people with hair loss, but that doesn't mean it is always easy. I'm sitting on my dorm room floor trying to find the best words to share with all of you, but I am scared to say something wrong. Paint a bad image, and truthfully, I noticed I starting to pick at my eyebrows. Once you fall down that rabbit hole, it is very hard to get up, and sometimes you don't want to get up because you know the outcome will be upsetting. I have been pulling my hair for about 7 years now. I pulled in middle school, all of high school, and now my second year of college. As you can see though I've changed stages of life, this disorder has followed me. Trichotillomania will never fully go away but rather in a remission state. So, it can be hard to think about the future when you only see yourself as being bald.

I stand here today sharing my story in front of all of you, and those watching online with a tad bit of embarrassment but no shame. Going to Maggie's wigs for kids has helped me in more ways than I can count, and I will forever be grateful for her, her staff, the volunteers, and most of all, all of you. This program would not be here if it wasn't for each and every one of you and your support. As I'm sure you all have heard, I want to reiterate Maggie's mission statement. In my interpretation, Maggie does her best to help any kid in need and treats them like her own child. And that is 100% what she does.

As you may know, Maggie offers kids an assortment of opportunities along with providing wigs. These could be field trips, makeup classes, work out classes, nutrition classes, the use of vr headsets and so much more. I myself can only say I have part taken in two of these opportunities. These include the makeup classes and the use of the vr headset.

For those who are not aware doing your makeup is more than just putting things on your face. It can be a way to express yourself and a way to feel more confident. But either way to have a good makeup outcome, you need a clean base. In these classes we learn everything from how to do skincare, or take care of our skin, how to keep all our makeup clean and sanitary, and finally how to apply it and get good at it. Not only do we learn how to do these tasks, but we also get to take home the makeup and tools we use. Previously I mentioned I also pull my eyebrows. When I went to one of Maggie's makeup classes, one of the instructor Madison, taught us close up, how to draw them on. When I explained I was still confused she came over to me to help me out one on one. This was not limited to me. The instructors are truly there to help. I want everyone to know that when I take these classes I usually have a big background on what we're learning, and I don't always go for the intention to learn. I go for the wonderful community. I went 6 years before meeting someone not related to me that also has trichotillomania. Going to these classes, I was able to meet a girl I consider to be a great friend. I also learned how to be more comfortable with talking about my disorder with other people. This ranged quickly from outside others with hair loss. I would come early and talk to the instructor that day informing them about trichotillomania and my story. By doing this every month and being with people like me, I was able to come outside my shell and not be ashamed. I had gained my voice. As you can see once I did, no one can take that away.

Another newer opportunity offered at Maggie's is the one-month pilot program of using a virtual reality headset. This program was opened to originally help kids with cancer stay positive and feel less stress in hospital settings. Yet it grew to be so much more than that. When they started to open up the program to kids outside of cancer, I was given the opportunity to get one. And I won't lie, I was confused as being an 18-year-old who had pulled for 8 years. i thought, how was this going to help me? I've taken so many medications and I'm in therapy. Just one week in I was shocked with how much this device had helped me. Though some of the apps you can get on your phone, when you put the head set on it is like you are being pulled away from reality. And whether you're a kid with cancer or a kid with trichotillomania, sometimes all you need is a step away from society and reality. The way you get indulged in every app you are in is miraculous. One of the mindful apps is a meditation app. And I am not a mediator. But I saw there was a view of a farm with cows, so I thought id give it a try. Laying there in bed seeing the cows around me hearing the wind blow was relaxing and I found that even after 10 minutes most my worries had gone away.

Overall, with everything Maggie has to offer and the information she has taught me, I have found myself. Found ways to be confident and not ashamed. Learned more ways to cope. Therefor I hope you all have a better understanding of what trichotillomania is, how it causes lasting effects, and how Maggie has helped me find my voice through the opportunities presented. When Maggie says she helps anyone she really does, and she truly makes you feel like her own kid. Though Maggie and her staff help make this all possible, we all know this program wouldn't be here without the people who donate. So, I want to conclude this speech with something directed to all of you. Thank you for helping me when I was young and scared, when I felt that I was ugly and didn't fit in, when I was ashamed. Without the support from everyone in this room and online, I don't know where I would be. But you all have made an impact on my life and so many others, so thank you.

Sophie's Family:

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"Thank you so much!! My daughters had such a great time in the makeup class and Sophie is so happy with her new wig. It looks beautiful on her!!"

Chloe's Family:

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"My 3 year-old went to Ms. Maggie for a wig. She has alopecia areata. Ms. Maggie and her staff are truly special people! What a great experience and Chloe loves her new hair!"

Eleni's Family:

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"Amazing experience! We felt very comfortable during our first consultation. Miss Maggie is so kind and the entire staff really made my daughter feel like a princess. I am so thankful to have this organization's support as we navigate through life with alopecia areata."

Brielle's Family

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"Amazing place. My daughter who has Alopecia Universalis did not want to leave. Maggie and her staff take amazing care of their clients!"


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"Just got a brand new amazing wig (only temporary) until I get my even better real hair wig! Very blessed and very happy. Would recommend this amazing organization to anyone and everyone. They are way more than just hair! Maggie herself is an amazing women. Very selfless."

Maggie's Family: 

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"When our little Maggie was going through chemo, Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan was and still is more than just giving the children wigs."

Naomi's Family: 

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"Maggie truly loves these children and has devoted her life to this program. I know that the children are so incredibly grateful, and as a parent, I will never be able to express the gratitude that I have!! Thank you Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan and all of your generous donors for this program! It means the world to these children, like my sweet daughter."

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