WMTV News 15: Whitewater girl donates 30 inches of hair for a good cause

We thank Lola for donating her beautiful hair to Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan so we can create a custom-fitted, age appropriate wig for a child in Michigan at no charge to them or their family. You can read her inspirational story on WMTV News 15's website who generously provided media coverage of Lola's haircut: https://www.nbc15.com/content/news/Whitewater-girl-donates-30-inches-of-hair-for-a-good-cause-567653261.html?fbclid=IwAR3X4ZaHImAF5WF4LeDUF4iSdIv0sZMnFxG72KZAFeh208oMvI9l_Jh60rc

WGRT FM Radio: Wigs 4 Kids Looking For Volunteers

Heartfelt thanks to WGRT FM Radio for their continued support in helping us raise awareness of Wigs 4 Kids. Cathie Martin and her team shared an article recently about the importance of volunteers to our program. To learn more about our volunteer...

Patch: Shores' Charity Receives $90,000 Grant

Wigs 4 Kids thanks the team at Patch.com for sharing news about the very generous $90,000 grant we received from the Walmart Foundation. The grant will help us continue our mission of providing wigs and support services at no charge to Michigan...

Michigan Masons Award $50,000 to Wigs 4 Kids

Wigs 4 Kids was overwhelmed with gratitude to the Michigan Masonic Charitable Foundation and our local lodge Roseville #66 for their $50,000 grant! We applied for support and out of the 40 applications they received from nonprofits this...
Sponsor a Child Receive a Wig

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