Wigs 4 Kids Business of the Year!

Each year, Wigs 4 Kids selects a business to honor at our signature event in recognition of the work they do throughout the year to help us continue our mission. We congratulate Complete Interactive Technologies, Inc. who will be receiving this award at our 13th Annual Gala! Their team feels they have a personal responsibility to give back to the neighborhoods they’re a part of. They have assisted Wigs 4 Kids by underwriting our telecommunications services and given us access to new technology that helps us reach out further in the community. It is our pleasure to acknowledge them as our Business of the Year!

Metro-Detroit Superhero: Maggie and Wigs 4 Kids

Wigs 4 Kids thanks Rebecca, a volunteer for sharing the mission of our program with her fellow students and the community through an article in her school’s newspaper. Rebecca typically shares her time and talent at our Wellness Center,...
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