WHMI Radio: Annual Pigs 4 Wigs Fundraiser Underway

Wigs 4 Kids thanks WHMI Radio for their media coverage of the annual Pigs 4 Wigs fundraiser which is being held in support of our program. Local police departments are participating in no-shave November by making donations to support the cause in exchange for growing their facial hair during the month of November. Learn more through the online article here: http://whmi.com/news/article/29736

Florine Mark: Remarkable Women Radio Interview

Maggie Varney our Founder & CEO has been invited to participate in a radio interview with Florine Mark for her program Remarkable Women through iHeart Radio on Tuesday, February 5, 2019 at 4:00 pm. Maggie is honored by the invitation and you can...

WDIV: Oakland County Winterfest

WDIV Channel 4 news recently provided media coverage at the Oakland County Winterfest. We appreciate their support in raising awareness of Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan and Angel Kisses, since the proceeds benefit both charities. They filmed...

Impact 100 Metro Detroit TV Interview

Impact 100 Metro Detroit is one of the generous grant-makers who are helping make our dream of a forever home for Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan a reality. They have invited our Founder & CEO Maggie Varney to participate in a TV interview...

Oakland County Times: Oakland County Winterfest

The Oakland County Times recently shared information about the upcoming Oakland County Winterfest. This family friendly event supports two nonprofits: Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan and Angel Kisses. A 12-hour hockey game is the main...
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