The Mining Journal: Caring for kids: Lions Pediatric Cancer Program supports local families in cancer battles

Our thanks to The Mining Journal for focusing on the efforts of the upper peninsula Lions Club members who are supporting children with cancer and Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan as one of their charities of choice this year. You can read about their awareness and fundraising activities here:

C&G Newspapers: Car Show Cruise Comes to Town

Our thanks to C&G Newspapers for covering the Mt. Clemens Car Cruise and Wigs 4 Kids as one of the charities of choice in their recent article about this upcoming event. You can read about the cruise by clicking on the link below.  Link...

WDIV Local 4: MI International Women's Show

WDIV Local 4 featured Wigs 4 Kids as part of their Michigan International Women's Show TV coverage! We are thankful to their team for inviting us to participate in an interview about the cut-a-thon and princess tea party we are hosting...

WGRT FM: Wigs 4 Kids at the Women's Show

Wigs 4 Kids thanks Cathie Martin and her team at WGRT FM Radio for being media partners and helping us promote our participation in the Michigan International Women's Show. Wigs 4 Kids was fortunate to host a cut-a-thon and princess tea party at...

WNIC 100.3 FM - Wigs 4 Kids Galaxy Star Program

Wigs 4 Kids thanks the team of WNIC 100.3 FM for sharing information about our galaxy star program! Wigs 4 Kids is raising funds toward purchasing a permanent brick-and-mortar Wellness Center where we can double the amount of kids we serve. Galaxy...
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