Fox 47 TV: Sparrow Hospital Cut-a-thon

Wigs 4 Kids thanks Fox 47 TV news for sharing the impact made at the Sparrow Hospital cut-a-thon with the community. Over 100 hair donations were collected from caring individuals who wanted to help children experiencing hair loss. Watch the story here:

C&G Newspapers: Holiday Cards Available

Our thanks to Kristyne Demske and the C&G Newspapers / St. Clair Shores Sentinel for sharing the news that we have holiday cards available at our Wellness Center. 100% of proceeds benefit Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan! You can purchase...

Warren TV: Interview with Jesse Cole

Heartfelt thanks to Jesse Cole and the TV Warren team for interviewing Maggie Varney, our Founder & CEO about our Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan program. Learn how Maggie started our organization and why serving these children is our honor...
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