Powered by compassion. Driven by smiles.

Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids is a non-profit organization providing kids 3-18 new hair, new hope, and a chance to be themselves.

Be the Voice of the Kids

Like what we’re doing?

Insurance doesn't cover the cost of wigs for Michigan children in need. We are fortunate the State of Michigan provided an enhancement grant to help the children in our communities.

Donate Your Hair

Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids customizes every wig in house.

We utilize every hair donation to make wigs. We don’t turn kids away. Every strand counts. See how you can help.

The Need is Great

We are growing!

Help us raise the capital to sustain our new facility.

You can make a difference.
Ponytails Needed to
Make a Wig

Burn Survivor Turia Pitt Shares Her Story

My heart was deeply touched when we saw the following story on LinkedIn and wanted to share it. This is a great example that true beauty comes from within and we were inspired!

“The Australian ex-model Turia Pitt suffered burns to 65% of her body, lost her fingers and thumb and spent 5 months in the hospital after she was trapped by a grassfire in a 100 km ultra-marathon. Her boyfriend decided to quit his job to care for her recovery. In a CNN interview he was asked: "Did you at any moment think about leaving her and hiring someone to take care of her and moving on with your life?" His reply touched the world: "I married her soul, her character, and she's the only woman that will continue to fulfill my dreams." True love is unconditional love.” 

Call: 586-772-6656

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