Milford Police Show 12 Years of Support for Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of MI

The Milford Police started the annual Pigs 4 Wigs campaign 12 years ago and have supported Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan ever since! During No-Shave November, police staff & command members each make a donation of $50 or more, and the funds help us provide wigs & support services at no charge to children throughout Michigan. This friendly competition between departments embraces a relaxed dress code; allowing men to grow facial hair while women wear nail polish & earrings.

Pigs 4 Wigs has sponsored many children, including Claire who is pictured here with the Milford Police, receiving their 2024 donation. She experiences alopecia, an auto-immune disorder causing hair loss and heard about our program from her school resource officer. Claire was provided with a wig, enjoys participating in our makeup & skin care classes and benefits from our VR 4 Kids Program. We thank the police for helping us support more Michigan kids like Claire who need our services!

South Lyon Police Department's Pigs 4 Wigs 2023

Chief Baaki & Lieutenant Sederlund from South Lyon Police Department stopped by our Wellness Center this week to make a very special Pigs 4 Wigs presentation of the funds raised during No-Shave November. Between online and offline donations,...

19th Day of Giving: Cuts 4 a Cause

Our Cuts 4 a Cause hair restoration certification training program gives licensed cosmetologists the opportunity to become certified in all aspects of hair restoration. Taught twice a year, this comprehensive workshop is available through...

Holiday Party 2023!!

Our annual children's holiday party for Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan, Inc was a magical afternoon enjoyed by our wig recipients & families! Heartfelt gratitude to the many volunteers, team members, sponsors and community supporters...

18th Day of Giving: Become a Corporate Sponsor

If you own a business or work for a company that has a philanthropic focus, please consider Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan, Inc as a potential charity of choice this holiday season for consideration of corporate sponsorship. This is another...

17th Day of Giving: Raised Therapy Garden

Our raised therapy garden at Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan presents our wig recipients & families with the opportunity to enjoy farm-to-table nutrition. They grow their own herbs & veggies which are incorporated into healthy meal...

16th Day of Giving: Life Celebrations!

It's so fun for our wig recipients to enjoy a life celebration at our Enchanted Tea Room inside our Wellness Center for Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan, Inc! This includes end of chemo parties, birthdays, graduations and more that our kids...

White Castle Volunteers for Santa's Workshop

Whenever we receive donated goods in-kind from caring individuals & businesses, each item must be logged in our inventory so we can account for them and issue tax receipts to acknowledge our generous donors. This includes the wonderful toys we...

13th Day of Giving: Become a Founding Member

Establishing a Founding Membership at Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan, Inc during our 25 Days of Giving helps with the sustainability & longevity of our program and earns you a beautiful commemorative star on our Founding Members wall...

Sterling Heights Pigs 4 Wigs 2023

Sgt. Finkbeiner from the Sterling Heights Police Department stopped by today to present a portion of the funds raised during the 11th Annual Pigs 4 Wigs campaign and they did an outstanding job in this year's competition. Sterling Heights Police...
Sponsor a Child Receive a Wig

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