Job Opportunities at Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan

Maggie’s Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan still has funding available from Michigan Works Macomb/St. Clair through the Going Pro Talent Fund to hire and train employees. Certain criteria apply for eligibility within Michigan Works and we can guide you through connecting with their team. To begin viewing job opportunities, please visit these links:


Digital Marketing Coordinator:

Events/Volunteer Coodinator:

Administrative Assistant:

Social Worker:


Nail Technician:

Hair Restoration:

Finance/Quickbooks Coordinator:


You can submit your resume to for consideration and we will follow up with you.

beautiLofts hosting 10th Anniversary Event

Please join us in congratulating our registered salon supporters at beautilofts on their 10 Year Anniversary! They are hosting a party on Thursday, March 13, 2025 from 5:30 - 9:00 pm for guests to enjoy and we have been invited to setup an...

Romeo Nonprofit Exploration Fair

A special thank you to Romeo Middle School for hosting their first ever Nonprofit Exploration Fair and inviting our Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan program to be one of the 64 charities represented at this great community outreach event! Jennifer...

Sign Up for our VR 4 Kids Program!

Dear wig recipients & families: did you know that the VR headsets you hear about in the news are not just for gaming? They’re revolutionizing the way we approach health and wellness! Here are some of the benefits:1. Pain Management: VR can...

Walsh College Winter Career Fair 2025

Christina & Amrusha from our Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan team had the opportunity to connect with business students at Walsh College during their winter career fair. We shared job openings available at our Wellness Center and thank Walsh...

Clark Donates His Hair to Help the Kids!

10% of the wig recipients we serve at Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan are boys and they always appreciate when peers donate hair to support them as they journey through a health challenge causing hair loss. Clark from Iowa chose our program to be...

Guidelines to Donating Hair

Did you know it takes 10-12 ponytails to make 1 wig for a Michigan child in need? Donating your hair is a great way to help us continue our mission! Benefits of Donating Your Hair:Give the gift of confidence: Your hair can restore a child’s...

Meeting with Jay Hawreluk of AcuMax Index

AcuMax Index is a revolutionary software program that measures and reports on human wiring to assist employers in making informed hiring decisions. Through its unique survey assessment tools, AcuMax supports businesses internationally across sectors...

Advice from a Butterfly

Michelle has volunteered with our Maggie’s Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan program and is a Go Green Salon guest who sent in a beautiful card with advice from a butterfly that we thought you would enjoy reading. Michelle says, “I feel so blessed to have...

Strategizing with Walker Publicity

In business, we always strive to learn, grow & improve the systems we have in place to better be of service to the Michigan children & families who count on us for support, and the generous donors who make our mission possible. We stand on...

One Spot Left in our Wig Styling Class

Dear wig recipients & families, we have just one spot left in our wig care and styling class, "Getting to Know You" Hair, which will be held on Saturday, March 8, 2025 - 2:00 pm inside our Wellness Center: 30130 Harper Avenue, St. Clair Shores,...

Wig Styling Video in the Works!

Today, we had a wig styling video professionally filmed by videographer Brian Figurski who previously volunteered to record our wig cleansing & maintenance video that families receive after their child is fitted for a wig. Often, we are asked by...

Sponsor a Tea Party

Creating magical moments for our wig recipients & families to cherish is part of our culture at Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan! Inside our Wellness Center is the Enchanted Tea Room, where kids can celebrate birthdays, graduations or end of...

Styling Our Kids' Wigs

We previously posted about what happens in a wig consultation and our kids always decide what they want their new hair to look like in terms of color, texture, density, and length. Our cosmetology team is trained in hair restoration and we enjoy...

March 2025 Newsletter

Our March 2025 Newsletter has been released! We’re so excited to share the latest stories, updates, and heartfelt moments from our mission right to your inbox. You can read the newest edition...

Camren from C2 Visual Media

Camren Clouthier is a freelance videographer and photographer based in the Metro-Detroit area who heard about our Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan program through the power of social media. He stopped in to take a tour of our Wellness Center and see...

Help Us Bring Smiles to Our Wig Recipients

Helping the self-esteem of Michigan children at no charge is what our Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan program is all about and we couldn't do this important work without the love & support of the community. Whenever you make a monetary donation...

Write a Positive Google Review

Dear wig recipients & families, if you’re satisfied with our services at Maggie’s Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan, one of the great ways to pay it forward and encourage others to benefit from our program is by writing a positive review on Google....

2025 Support Services

Dear wig recipients & families, for a snapshot of our 2025 support services, including classes, social activities, field trips & counseling, please visit the Support Services page of our website - we have exciting plans for the year and hope...

Golf Outings - A Great Way to Support Our Cause

As we wait for warmer Michigan weather to return, consider planning a golf outing for Maggie’s Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan! Here are a few examples: The Selfridge Firefighters host an annual event and have also taken our kids on a special field trip...

Sponsor a Child's Welcome Bag

During a child's first wig consultation at Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan, we give them a welcome bag full of comfort items, many of which are contributed by Lions Club members in the community or parents paying it forward. These include a...
Sponsor a Child Receive a Wig

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