Go Green Salon Clients Support Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of MI

Inside our Wellness Center is Go Green Salon, a separate business that works with adult patients in need of wigs & toppers. Maggie received a beautiful butterfly-themed card from Katrina, an adult bravely fighting cancer who felt a renewed sense of self-esteem after her wig fitting:

"Maggie, I believe in angels and know that my friend Ronda led me to one when she brought me to you! My head was spinning, and I was really hit hard with this cancer. I wanted to fight but didn't have a clue how or in what way. Finding a 'good thing' among the nasty really encouraged me. Getting good advice & help with a wig was a GIFT. Your smile and kind words & advice have made a HUGE difference, and I want to thank you and let you know God uses you as an angel on Earth when working with ladies like me who need good advice & kindness at a dark time. I've added you & your 'ministry' to my prayer list. God bless your hands as you serve Him." -- Fondly, Katrina

Thank you! A portion of adult wig purchases from Go Green Salon are donated to pay it forward & help children through our Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan program. 

White Castle Cares: Volunteering!

Every few months White Castle, one of our biggest corporate sponsors, sends volunteers to help us complete large projects. Today, Brittany and Nate put together tea party boxes in preparation for our 21st Annual Gala. White Castle's sponsorship...

A Shout Out to Our Supporter Don Mazzola

A special shoutout to Don Mazzola, our dear supporter and a lifelong friend of Maggie Varney, our Founder & CEO. Don has donated his time, talent & treasure at Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan, Inc, in a variety of ways: volunteering,...

Makari Donates His Hair!

Meet Makari, one of our wonderful hair donors! He lives in Michigan and wanted to help a child in his state by growing his hair out for donation. When he was ready to make the cut, mom captured the moment in pictures - look at how long his hair is!...

Business With a Heart: Paul's Plumbing

Paul’s Plumbing based out of Fraser, MI has been supporting Maggie’s Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan since our humble beginnings. He has always provided first class service to help ensure our shampoo bowls run efficiently so we can maintain our...

Spring Forward & Sign Up for our Newsletters

Spring is on its way and so is our March newsletter! If you aren't receiving our monthly newsletters from Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan to your inbox, now is the best time to sign up. It's a great way to stay current on the progress...

February 2024 Facebook & Instagram Donors

In February this year, we received over $224 from our generous supporters on Facebook & Instagram. All of this past month's donations were made in celebration of birthdays - what a beautiful way to honor a loved one, by helping children in...

Meeting with Local Hospitals

Each year, we reach out to the 8 partnering hospitals that provide pediatric oncology services to the children of Michigan; sharing updates about our ever-evolving programming to benefit their populations. This week, Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of...

185 Founding Members!

Our Founding Members are such an important part of our Maggie’s Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan family. These 185 caring individuals, businesses, foundations and groups have supported us since our humble beginnings. They helped us open our first...

Media & Billboard Support

Our heartfelt gratitude to 5 Star Outdoor, LLC for donating over $5,000 in billboard space to Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan, Inc in 2023; they helped us get the word out about our support services and reach more local children in need. The...

Charles' Chili Cook-Off Supports the Kids!

Charles D'Luge works at Real Estate One in Chesterfield and is a member of the Mt. Clemens Kiwanis who has supported us for years. He hosts a chili cook-off event in memory of his real estate partner Lucinda who bravely fought cancer. This year,...

Thank You to our Social Media Fans

We are so very thankful for the love & support we receive at Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan, Inc from our online community. As we continue to reflect on 2023, we are grateful to have touched the hearts of 23,663 fans around the world that...

Biggby Coffee in our Community

Please join us in welcoming Biggby Coffee at 13 Mile & Little Mack to the community! Matt, the owner stopped by to learn more about our Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan, Inc program and came in bearing treats for our wig recipients &...

Vincent Donates Hair from Canada

Meet Vincent, one of our incredible hair donors! He traveled from Ontario, Canada with his family to deliver his hair donation to support our wig recipients at Maggie’s Wigs 4 Kids of Michigan. Vincent plays hockey and wanted another kid to...
Sponsor a Child Receive a Wig

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